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Our Story

TiNY Eyes Ministries was birthed October 5, 2012. Its sole purpose is to encourage the body of Christ to flow in true and sincere humility before our great God.

How wonderful it would be if His people would lower themselves before Him, let themselves go, and let Him be God all by Himself. He doesn't need our help. He wants a people that will recognize that HE is God alone, humble themselves greatly before Him and get out of His way. He wants a people that will give Him ALL the glory, honor, and praise no matter what He uses them for and no matter how well known they become. He wants a people that are afraid to touch His glory. Now mind you, we are not to walk in fear. But, when it comes to God's glory, we should definitely be afraid to touch that. That is His glory robe, and it is too big for us. When we touch His glory, He doesn't take it lightly, and we should be mindful of that.
He wants to see more of Himself flowing in the earth realm. Wouldn't it be great if the earth were a mirror, and whenever God looked into it, He saw Himself - in His people all the time? Talking about bringing God glory, His children looking like Him - all of them. Wow! What great joy that would bring God,  all of His people flowing in great and true humility before Him. 

Image by Edward Cisneros
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