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Flowing in True Humility

Giving God The Glory

1 Chronicles 29:11-13 Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom​​​​, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand to make great, and to give strength unto all. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.​

Image by Davide Cantelli

Stay In His Presence

Truly humble persons stay in the presence of God

It is not enough to have a relationship with the Lord. There must be spiritual intimacy. Before the fall, Adam and Eve walked in total communion with God. God walked in the Garden seeking them - they had complete and unbroken fellowship with Him. For us to get to this level of intimacy with the Lord we must spend quality time with Him alone with no distractions. We must commune with the Spirit of God. We are to love on Him through prayer, worship Him by whispering sweet something's into His ear. (Lord God you are great and perfect in wisdom, you are great and perfect in love, you are great and perfect in power, you are great and perfect in beauty, and so on) And satisfying Him with our praise. We must spiritually consumate our relationship to gain an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ. We must become one with Him and fully possessed by Him.

When Jesus possesses us, He keeps filling us with Himself (Holy Spirit). As He is pouring Himself into us, it pushes whatever is inside of us out. The more He fills us the more He pushes out anything that is darkness - the more light He fills us with, the more darkness leaves until we are completely and fully illuminated by His presence. Then we become one with Jesus and our relationship is consumated. He penetrates us with His presence and we become one.

Give God The Glory

God is glorious, majestic, splendid, beautiful and a holy wonder. When we try to take his glory and wear it ourselves it's like putting a marquise diamond in a pig's snout or taking the king's magnificent royal robes and putting them on a mule. Nothing can compare to our God. We mar His glory when we try to wear it ourselves and it really is too big for us. That garment was made for a great big, holy, righteous, amazing, merciful and kind God. It doesn't fit us and never will. That garment will overwhelm and suffocate us if we try to wear it; we will be consumed by it and destroyed. It is God's glory; it belongs to Him and Him alone. He wears His glory robe alone.


There is one king in the kingdom and He wears His glory robe alone. God rules alone and gets the glory alone and, besides, it just doesn't fit us. Can we place a star in the sky? Can we divide the waters from the dry land? Can we even breathe on our own? Well, can we? That's His breath of life. He created the very air that we breathe and the ones breathing it. Why die when we can live?

Instead of trying to wear His glory we should just be declaring His glory, His glory. We shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord...we shall praise Him for His mighty acts...for He is God alone.


Mentality - How Do You See Yourself?

True humility sees itself as a worm, a lowly creature in comparison to our God. We come to God in our littleness, in our nothingness that He may be greatly glorified. We are nothing, tiny, just a piece of clay, a small pile of dirt into which He decided to breathe the breath of life. We are nothing wthout God. He picked us up from the lowest of lows and in our mentality, when it comes to Him, that's where we stay. And please, don't get this confused with low self esteem. We are esteeming God as the greatest of all and others as better than ourselves - recognizing who we are in God but staying low nonetheless. That's why it is extremely important that we know who we are in Him. When we know this, we don't have to flaunt it. We can stay low, giving God all the glory. The lower we are the greater God is glorified.

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