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Growth and Development

When you study the word of God, you are actually partaking in a spiritual meal. When you study this material along with your bible and the companion book "Tiny Eyes" you taste true humility. It has a good flavor to it, all the right seasonings. It can be pungent and spicy at times but, for the most part, it is sweet and has a smooth creamy texture. When you slowly roll it around on your tongue, it's as if you can taste each ingredient individually, all the things that go into true humility to make it what it is. Please don't rush your lessons and savor each one. Enjoy your meal and allow God to bless you through it.


Your training will consist of five parts and based on the book Tiny Eyes. Everything is on the honor system. We ask that you complete at least one part a month, including all sections but don't be rushed. If you would prefer your work to be reviewed after completion send us a message via our online contact form and, we will get back to you. There is a blessing in just getting the information down in you. Even if you don't understand it all, get the info in you anyway. Remember, you are what you eat.


If you see something that's a little confusing or doesn't make sense, please bring it to our attention. We are all learning to flow in this great gift together so, any insight you can give is appreciated. Also, as you study, please think about how you would present this if you had to teach a class on it. You never know, God just may be preparing you to do just that. Also note, you can't teach this to others until you have partaken of its goodness for yourselves. We must taste the meal first before we share it with others.  


Lessons 1-5:  COMING SOON


Also note: If you can't wait for the FREE lessons to be posted online the book Tiny Eyes and study guide can be purchased via by clicking the link below or send us a message via our online contact form. 



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