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Personal Declarations

We will not allow pride to take root in us
We will remember that it is Christ Jesus that doeth the works no matter who he uses, even if its us
We will stay low in the overflow of Gods blessings
We will remember that touching Gods glory is like putting a marquise diamond into the snout of a pig
We will remember that Gods glory robe is too big for us and if we try to wear it, it will suffocate and consume us
We will remember to give GOD THE GLORY at all times
We will remember to stay little in our own eyes
We will remember that pride has one eye and keeps it on itself but humility has two eyes and keeps them both on God.
We will remember that pride glories in self but humility glories in God
We will not allow pride to make us forfeit everything that God has done in our lives
We declare and decree that the seed and root of pride has been uprooted from our lives and we will GIVE GOD THE GLORY AT ALL TIMES in Jesus name, amen

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