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  • Writer's pictureTiny Eyes Ministries

How Low Can You Go?

We must come to God in our littleness, in our nothingness that he may be greatly glorified. We are nothing, tiny, just a piece of clay, a small pile of dirt that He decided to breathe the breath of life into. We are nothing without God. He picked us up from the lowest of lows and in our mentality when it comes to Him, that’s where we stay. And please, don’t get this confused with low self esteem. We are esteeming God as the greatest of all and others as better than ourselves, recognizing who we are in God but staying low none the less. That’s why it is extremely important that we know who we are in Him. When we know this, we don’t have to flaunt it. We CAN stay low giving God all the glory. The lower we are the greater God is glorified.

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