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  • Writer's pictureTiny Eyes Ministries

The I's Do Not Have It

I is one of the smallest words in the bible and one of the most dangerous. It would behoove us, if at all possible to get the word out of our mouths and spirits. I signifies self existence and God is the only self existent one. I has got to get out of our spirits. Speaking of ourselves in the secondary is fine but we must get the I’s out of our mouths – get rid of it, it is the seed to arrogance. Just because the seed is there does not mean that it will take root and grow. But, do we really want to take a chance with all that God is doing in our lives over using one little one letter word. It really is the seed to arrogance. We must get it out of our spirits, we really can’t handle it. The quickest way up is humility, the quickest way down is pride (I), don’t let a little bitty dart take you down. The bigger that we make ourselves the harder we will fall. We can lift ourselves up, the higher we lift ourselves up, the greater our fall when God brings us down. We can’t blame God, we did it to ourselves. If we exalt ourselves, He will bring us low and believe it or not He does it out of love. It is not His will that any man perish. He will bring us down to a place of repentance and godly sorrow where we recognize that we are nothing in and of ourselves. It is Christ Jesus that makes the difference in our lives.

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