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  • Writer's pictureTiny Eyes Ministries

Purposeful Destiny Worship

In Psalm 19:1-6 it states the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork. They operate in their purpose. They speak loud and clear on the glory of God by operating in their purpose. What good is a cloud if it never comes out, where were the rain? What good is the sun if it never shines? The sun rises in the morning and just sits there glorifying God by doing what God intended for it to do. We also bring glory to God by fulfilling the purpose He has ordained for our lives. What good are we if we never fulfill our destiny? Was our life in vain? We were created with purpose and for a purpose – we must humbly fulfill our purpose and glorify God.

He will use whomsoever he will. It is not for us to judge or tell God whom he should use even if it’s us. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. We were called and chosen and there’s nothing we can do about it. We will do what God has destined for us. True humility humbly accepts the call of God on its life and directs all attention, praise, etc. back to Him. We can only do what we do because of His grace therefore we are to give Him the glory in and for all things. In the book of John, Jesus’ actions glorified God, he is our pattern, he teaches us true humility. Jesus stayed connected to the Father and only did what He said.

God deserves all the glory and so much more. God is glorious, majestic, splendid, beautiful and a Holy wonder. When we try to take his glory and wear it ourselves, it’s like putting a marquise diamond in a pig’s snout. Or taking the kings magnificent royal robes and putting them on a mule. Nothing can compare to our God. We mar his glory when we try to wear it ourselves and it really is too big for us. That garment was made for a great big, holy, righteous, amazing, merciful and kind God. It doesn’t fit us and never will. That garment will overwhelm and suffocate us if we try to wear it, we will be consumed by it and destroyed. It is Gods glory; it belongs to him and him alone. He wears his glory robe alone. There is one king in the kingdom and God rules alone and gets the glory alone and besides, it just doesn’t fit us. Can we place a star in the sky? Can we divide the waters from the dry land? Can we even breathe on our own? Well, can we? That’s his breath of life, He created the very air that we breathe and the ones breathing it. Why die when we can live? Instead of trying to wear His glory we should just be declaring His glory, His glory. We shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord… we shall praise Him for his mighty acts…for He is God alone.

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