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  • Writer's pictureTiny Eyes Ministries

It's Only A Test

Through all that you are going through will you still love God, will you still trust, praise, give him glory and honor?

Folks, don’t be like me. I almost failed this part because I started to get angry with God because he has allowed so much for so long. I had turned away from him because it hurt too much to praise him, it hurt too much to give him glory, it hurt too much to pray and seek his face. Yet he forgave me and is now helping me to get refocused. He will do it for you, too. We gotta get back into a right relationship with him. He has to be able to trust us to remain faithful regardless to our situations.

And he didn't let me fall…now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless…

Through the blood of Jesus he doesn't see our failures. Jesus presents us faultless…Jesus does; what a great intercessor our Savior is, what a God, what a God. Thank you Jesus for keeping us from falling, thank you Jesus.

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