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  • Writer's pictureTiny Eyes Ministries


Saints vs. Saints

In the household of faith – saints warring against one another, bickering, infighting, abusing one another, right in the house of God.

There are drops of water that are falling and you think he is sending the rain, the latter rain, it’s not rain y’all. He weeps over his church, he weeps over his children, he weeps over the city, Jesus weeps; he is hovering over the church weeping. When will we get it together and recognize that the saints of God are not our enemy, we should not be at war with one another, we are our brother’s keeper yet we harm them. And after, we allow their blood to cry out from the ground and offer no help. Others see it and walk the other way or cross to the other side of the road and some actually pour salt into the wound by the bitter words they speak. Your brother is spiritually bleeding out and you offer no help, no assistance, you won’t even bandage his wounds and pour in a little oil and wine. And you know what the enemy is doing, he is laughing so hard he is rolling on the floor saying, “Look at them fighting one another; they make my job so easy. Look at them destroying one another, just look at them.

And our great God weeps, not because he is powerless, not because he is not going to fix it, not because he is weak. He weeps because we his children know better, he weeps because after all that he has done for us this is how we repay him. He weeps because we make him look like a deadbeat dad. He weeps because we don’t know who and what we are in him and some are seasoned mature saints that know the power of prayer, they know the power of worship, they know the power of praise. He weeps because we just don’t know who we are in him. If we did we would act like him, we would look like him, and we would handle things like him. When will we as the church of the one true and living God get it together? When will we learn the tactics of the enemy and counterattack based on what we’ve learned? When will we start thinking and acting like soldiers in the army of the Lord? When will we recognize the enemies hand in the various situations we deal with and handle it accordingly, when y’all – All creation is waiting, the lost are waiting, hurting abused souls are waiting but more importantly God is waiting…

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