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  • Writer's pictureTiny Eyes Ministries

Gods Love

Okay, so one day while going through a little sumpin sumpin, I started questioning Gods love for me. As foolish as that was, my brain just could not grasp the fact that if God truly loved me the way the bible says why would he allow so much turmoil and pain in my life. As I pondered this dilemma in my mind, this thought occurred to me.

God loves us from the very depths of his being. He loves us from the very center of who he is, from his core. He loves us so much that when he looks on us all he sees is his own love staring back at him. He doesn’t see our flaws, our mistakes, our imperfections or even our sin. Jesus’ blood already covers that, so he just sees himself. And when he looks at us through that blood he is reminded of all Jesus had to go through for us. His love, grace and mercy just overflows toward us in an even greater way in spite of us. We are living each and every day in the overflow of that love. Now, it is not that he needs reminders but sometimes we fall, sometimes we falter and let’s be real, sometimes we sin even now. But he pulls from that great well of love inside of himself and forgives us. When this fact, (because it is fact), permeates our beings, our whole way of thinking and reacting toward him should change. Our confidence in him and the knowledge of our place in him should go through the roof. HE REALLY LOVES US. It is a real tangible love; it has substance to it. It can be felt in such a way that it will grip your very being. He loves us so much, make no mistake about it, he really loves us. Now get it together and KNOW, KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!

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