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  • Writer's pictureTiny Eyes Ministries

Stay in His Presence

In this time of sheltering in place lets get closer to God, this is such an opportune time to do this. The Lord requires intimacy and now that we have a break from our busy schedules lets spend more time with HIM. It is not enough to have a relationship with the Lord. There must be spiritual intimacy. Before the fall, Adam and Eve walked in total communion with God. God walked in the Garden seeking them - they had complete and unbroken fellowship with Him. For us to get to this level of intimacy with the Lord we must spend quality time with Him alone with no distractions. We must commune with the Spirit of God. We are to love on Him through prayer, worship Him by whispering sweet something's into His ear. Maybe something like this, "Lord God you are great and perfect in wisdom, you are great and perfect in love, you are great and perfect in power, you are great and perfect in beauty," and so on and satisfying Him with our praise. We must spiritually consummate our relationship to gain an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ. We must become one with Him and fully possessed by Him. When Jesus possesses us, He keeps filling us with Himself (Holy Spirit). As He is pouring Himself into us, it pushes whatever is inside of us out. The more He fills us the more He pushes out anything that is darkness - the more light He fills us with, the more darkness leaves until we are completely and fully illuminated by His presence. Then we become one with Jesus and our relationship is consummated. He penetrates us with His presence and we become one. Oneness with God, um, um, um y'all.

While our country is in the state of sheltering in place lets take this time to get closer to our great God. Allow him to fill your spirit with so much of him that you just overflow with his power and anointing. Take this time to be intimate with our great God, you will certainly be glad that you did.

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